Phil Vischer on Identity at the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference

— by Amanda Lawson

As faith driven entrepreneurs, identity is crucial to our work. It shapes the way we view and interact with employees, customers, and ourselves. But understanding our identity conceptually and having the skills to confidently walk in it are at times very different. Phil Vischer will speak to this struggle and the surprising freedom of an identity rooted in the unchanging claim of Christ on our whole lives, including our work. 

Ever since he shared how his entrepreneurial journey led to the discovery of his true identity in Christ, Phil Vischer has been one of our favorite guests. We are thrilled that he will speaking more about this journey next week for the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference. Those who have seen VeggieTales may identify Phil first as the iconic Bob the Tomato; if you have heard our podcast episode, “Have you ever had a dream?” you may have heard parts of his story on how entrepreneurial success and failure helped shine a light on his identity. At the FDE Conference, Phil will discuss how understanding this identity manifests relationally and what it looks like to learn to walk in it. 

His talk is sure to encourage, enlighten, and challenge the audience. Vischer will undoubtedly bring solid biblical truth helpful for, as Paul charged Timothy, “teaching, rebuking, correcting, am training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV). As we aspire to walk in the good works God has prepared, our identity as firstly faith driven, then entrepreneurs will be central. 


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[ Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash ]