A Season of Transition

At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. This week’s guest is Steve , an organizational strategist, pragmatic theologian and social capitalist. At any given time, he is advising 5-6 executives or business owners, along with 3-4 young energetic social entrepreneurs. 

Psalm 78:52-53

But he brought his people out like a flock; he led them like sheep through the wilderness. He guided them safely, so they were unafraid; but the sea engulfed their enemies.

I've been rereading some of the Psalms lately and I was rereading Psalm 78 toward the end of that chapter. And actually, it's really funny because if you would have asked me years and years ago if I had a life verse, it was these verses, but then I actually didn't really memorize them. I didn't get inside those verses for a few years as much as I could have and should have. 

But you remember in Psalm 78 where it talks about David was transitioning from being a shepherd of sheep to a shepherd of people. And then it says and then he led them skillfully with hands of skills and with purity of heart. 

So what I'm trying to kind of figure out now is, you know, as an empty nester and as a guy who would be called, well, one of my buddies likes to say we're in the fourth quarter. And I just kind of look at him and laugh. But I mean, you know, I'm 62 and I'm clearly in the latter season of life. I'm trying to continue to figure out as a good steward how I transition my skill set into, you know, another season of life. 

And often we just kind of get into a rhythm and we know exactly what our calling looks like and what living a life looks like and serving God serving people. And we kind of get into a rhythm, but then we go through a transition to a new season where we kind of got to figure it out again. 

And so I'm kind of in a little bit of a figuring it out again, a season of life as I move into these next few years, that's kind of where I am. So you guys can pray for me and send me your wisdom and your advice along the way.