Discover the Gift of Giving. Embrace the Joy of Generosity

We want to be clear. This isn’t a series intended to make you give more. Our goal is to simply introduce the topic of generosity for entrepreneurs specifically. 

It’s easy to fall into the mindset of running “my business, my team, my venture.” But the truth is: it’s all His. And if it all belongs to God anyways, then we can be the cheerful givers scripture invites us to be. And our generosity can be reflective of the relationship we have with God and with one another. 

The sooner we begin to pursue a godly perspective of generosity, the more impact we can have in our lifetime.


Experience Life as a Cheerful Giver

Culture has taught entrepreneurs bad habits about money—that it can buy joy. And giving is nothing more than an obligation for being considered a good person. 

In our haphazard pursuit of having more, we’ve lost touch with what it means to live a generous life. 

We need a change of heart. 

Scripture invites us to cheerfully give what we have decided in our hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion. With our actions we proclaim that the stuff we have and the success we experience is not as important as our relationship with God.

Joyfully Generous Entrepreneur is a 5-part series featuring NY Times bestselling authors Francis Chan and Andy Crouch, with Jessica Kim, Casey Crawford, and other real-life stories from entrepreneurs in Romania, Great Britain, South Africa, and the United States.



The Joy of Community

Join a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group! Lock arms with 10-15 founders who are on the same journey as you. Meet in person or online. It’s all free. No cost, no catch, just connection. 

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