God Owns My Business

In the last session, J.D. talked to us about the mindset that many Christians in business have when it comes to their desire to remain dedicated to God in the world. In this session, J.D. focuses on the difference between ownership and stewardship and why knowing the difference as a Christian is crucial.


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In support of this global movement, our videos offer subtitles in the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Mandarin (Simplified Chinese), Romanian, Russian, and Swahili.



How did J.D. describe the difference between an owner and a steward? Why is it important for us to understand these definitions as entrepreneurs and business owners?

J.D. spent most of the session discussing the idea of God being the owner and his people being stewards of his creation. Even though we all are co-creators, the resources we’re using to create belong to God. How would you describe the way you use your business or skillset to the glory of God? 

J.D. stated that most Christians think like owners. They feel as if they owe God ten percent of their money, their time, or their energy, and the rest belongs to them. In what ways—if at all—have you exhibited this kind of mindset? If you’ve had this mindset before, what caused it to change?

Explore the Principles Further

God has a purpose for all of our skills. Our skills can be used to make the impact on the world that God desires. Considering the talents and abilities that God gave you, what do you think God’s purpose is for them? As a steward, why do you think God blessed you in the way that he did?

God owns everything—whether it’s our ideas, our energy, or our talents, they all should be exercised in a way that reflects his ownership because they come from him. In what ways has it been easy or difficult to make business decisions based on how God wants you to steward, rather than how you want? How do you react when you hear that God owns it all, considering how hard you’ve worked for it? 

In which ways has the lack or abundance of money shaped your thoughts and desires? How do you process how much of a percentage God gets? 

J.D. stated that when we don’t steward God’s creation correctly, it’s as if we are embezzling from him. How does J.D.’s metaphor impact your mindset about stewardship? 

J.D. quoted 2 Corinthians 9 to show how God increases our seed for sowing. Any increase we receive isn’t just for selfish gain but for giving back to the kingdom. In what ways is giving back a crucial part of Christian entrepreneurship? 

In what ways can you prioritize proper stewardship with the resources you have this week based on what you’ve learned in this session?

Apply What You’ve Learned 

Memorize: Commit to memory 2 Corinthians 9:10, “He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”

Write it Down: As you go about your week, take note of the resources you use. Write down what comes to mind and ask God to reveal how he wants you to steward them.

Explore the Joy of Generosity: This sessions video was created by our friends at Generous Giving ( Generosity is central to our Christian faith: “For God so loved the world that he gave.” By exploring generosity together, we find joy and pursue lives of purpose. We never tell you how to be generous. We simply celebrate generosity together through stories, teachings, and conversations. 

Pray: Pray and thank God for the resources he’s given you. Ask him to continually reveal the ways in which you could use these resources to give him glory.

Interact: Talk to a few friends who are Christian entrepreneurs and business owners. Discuss some ways that you can hold each other accountable to the gifts and talents you have but haven’t acted on. If you don’t have that kind of community in your church, you can join the conversation with thousands of entrepreneurs at 

Act Differently: Determine where you could possibly improve your stewardship of God’s resources in your life and business. In what areas can you grow to be a better steward of the resources, influence, or skills you have?