Our Call to Create

Entrepreneurship can be both a taxing and a rewarding experience for many people. Working for yourself and seeing your dreams come alive is one of the greatest joys for business owners, and God is using faithdriven entrepreneurs to bring about his kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. Through business owners, God can bring order out of chaos, solve problems, seize opportunities, rally against injustice, and create dignity and opportunity for those who interact with startups of all sizes. But the work isn’t easy. Stepping into the entrepreneurial venture God has drawn you to requires faith. Find out what it looks like to take a leap, trust God along the way, and let your faith lead your business.

In session one, J.D. talks about the struggle that many Christians who own businesses have when working outside of the church.


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In support of this global movement, our videos offer subtitles in the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Mandarin (Simplified Chinese), Romanian, Russian, and Swahili.



J.D. started out the session by pinpointing a certain kind of mindset held by many Christians who want to blend their faith with their business. It’s the belief that in order to be a Christian with an enterprise, you have to use awkward names and forced Christian language to get your beliefs across. What are some ways you’ve seen this approach displayed in other businesses? Why do you think it’s necessary or unnecessary to have your faith displayed in the name of your business?

J.D. used two Old Testament figures, Bezalel and Oholiab, as an example of what it looks like to excel in the skills God has given you. How did Bezalel and Oholiab express the fullness of the Spirit? In what ways does their work serve as an example of what it could look like to impact the world outside of the church building?

Our ability to fulfill our role in the kingdom involves much more than attending church services, paying our tithes, and being a nice person—we’re called to use our skills in all spaces of the world, not just the church building. In what ways can our work as Christian creators provide a purposeful and positive influence on our communities and local businesses? Why is it necessary for Christians to fulfill the call to create?

Explore the Principles Further

You’re a co-creator with God.

J.D. said that as an entrepreneur, you are a co-creator with God and have a unique call to be a cultural change agent in your community. In what ways do you believe your work could be a unique gift to the marketplace? How have you seen other business leaders use their unique gifts to empower others?

Good Versus Perfect

Everything God makes is good, but because he’s given us the ability to create and have dominion over the earth, we have the ability to improve the good things and perfect them in the process. In what ways do you see your business as an instrument that God might use to redeem something that’s broken or needs to be improved? What are some businesses you’ve seen God using this way that serve as a model for you?

Entrepreneurship Should be Worship

J.D. said, “No more thinking that you’re fulfilling your role in the kingdom of God by going to church and putting money in the offering plate. It’s time to take your business and your idea and steward it for the glory of God.” In what ways can you relate to this statement? What steps could you take to ensure every area of your business (partnerships, finances, goal setting, etc.) is stewarded for God’s glory?

Apply What You’ve Learned 

Memorize: Memorize Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”

Write it Down: As you go about your week, take note of the projects, plans, or assignments you’ve been involved in the past year. Write down a few ways that these can be further developed, or if there is room to create more. 

Interact: Talk to a few friends who are Christian entrepreneurs and business owners. Discuss some ways that you can hold each other accountable to the gifts and talents you have but haven’t acted on. If you don’t have that kind of community in your church, you can join the conversation with thousands of entrepreneurs at 

Act Differently: Over the next few weeks, take a moment every time you have a new idea to remind yourself that your idea is purposeful. Try saying, “I am a co-creator with God, and this idea can serve as worship.”