Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Episode 311 - Entrepreneurs' Divine Moment with David Platt

God has sovereignly ordained your life and this time to play a unique part in the accomplishment of His purpose. Entrepreneur, God has not saved you to sideline you on this mission. David Platt

In this episode of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast, hosts Henry and Justin discuss the recent conference and share a thought-provoking message from David Platt. Key topics include:

  1. The idea that entrepreneurs are positioned "for such a time as this"

  2. How current technological and economic trends create unprecedented opportunities

  3. David Platt's perspective on the unique role of entrepreneurs in today's world

  4. The importance of seeking God's guidance in business decisions

  5. Balancing professional success with spiritual growth and purpose

  6. The potential for long-term impact beyond an entrepreneur's lifetime

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Henry Kaestner Partner. Welcome back. Welcome back to the feature guys for our podcast. We just had our conference. I thought it was awesome, man. 

Justin Forman It is so much fun to get everybody together, isn't it? I mean, just to see so many different people from all over the world tuning into this and yeah, how about you, Henry? But man, it gives me a perspective how wide this movement is. 

Henry Kaestner It is. It is. It's super motivating. It's just really encouraging. There's something about this that knowing that there's watch party going on in Lagos and one in Manila and then one in Akron and one in Los Gatos, California, just all around the world. And there is a truth and common DNA to this movement that I think allows it to really work. And a lot of this this it's the it's the low continent partnering with pastors and really taking the agency in and owning it and saying, you know, there's a common DNA here of the 12th March, which if you're listening, you may very well know the call to create identity crisis, etc.. And there's some incredible content that allows allows for great facilitated conversations. But ultimately, this is something that I can then contextualize. I'm a leader in partnership with my pastor church. We can get out there and we can pray through what the different businesses are wrestling with in our community here in the Philippines or in Africa or in California or in Texas. So there's a part that's universal and common with the DNA, and yet there's part that's always contextualized with great agency from, gosh, we have more than 2400 volunteers now, I think, right? 

Justin Forman Yeah, we do. And it's me. And what a privilege is to partner with them and to serve them. And the one of the things I love most about the conferences, when you see the pictures roll in, when you see the watch party host showing the different places and all the areas where people are gathering and it gives you just this feel of like he said, there's a there's a common DNA, but you don't have to hop on a plane to find this movement. It's in each of our backyards and it's been there for so long. And to see it alive and vibrant is an encouragement. I love what you said about, like, churches and pastors are increasingly finding themselves being the host of those conversations, because I think that there's an awakening happen. It's taken a long time, but we've seen this over the last couple of decades where increasingly pastors are understanding that. And, you know, I know we got a chance to hear from one that we think very highly of. And I've just been incredibly grateful for his friendship and partnership in the gospel in this and seeing David Platt, just his understanding of entrepreneurs and the challenges, but also the opportunities, what entrepreneurs have in front of them to be a part of God's redemptive story. Man, what an encouragement it is. Because I know that many of us were carrying, if we're honest, a little bit, I don't know what the analogy would be. Maybe like a dad wound of something that we're carrying, something that's hurt us, where we felt overlooked by the church. We felt missed, we felt neglected. And when you see guys like David take up that opportunity to say, no, this gospel, this situation that we find ourselves in, what an opportunity there is for entrepreneurs and men. What a talk it was that he was able to give it the event. And so, you know, one of the things we wanted to do is we always want to highlight those messages that stand out as messages that we feel like is something that really defines this moment or this movement that we're in. And so we wanted to share with you that talk at the conference. And then we would spend some time talking about that afterwards. So let's go ahead and play this talk from David Platt. 

David Platt Entrepreneur. I want to encourage you with four verses, three declarations, two exhortations and one picture. So we'll start with four verses. Esther Chapter four verses 13 through 16.

‘Then Mordechai told them to reply to Esther. Do not think to yourself that in the King's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place. But you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai. Go gather all the Jews to be found in Susa and hold a fast on my behalf and do not eat or drink for three days. Night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king. Though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.’

In these four verses. I want to show you three declarations that Mordecai makes specifically to Esther.

One, he tells Esther we are living in a time of historic need. So let me remind you the context behind what we just read. As a result of the exile, God's people, the Jewish people in the Old Testament had been scattered first among the Babylonians, then they were taken over by the Persians. So the Persians were ruling over the Jewish people at this point. And in the chapter right before these verses, we meet a guy named Heymann who persuaded the King of Persia to decree that on a certain day, all the Jewish people should be killed. And that's what the king did. The King of Persia decreed the annihilation of all the Jews. Meanwhile, Esther, who was a Jewish woman, was the Queen. But the king didn't know she was Jewish. And Esther hadn't even heard about the King's decree. So Esther's older cousin, Mordecai, who had essentially adopted her as a daughter, sent her a message in the palace, told her what was going on, and said she needed to try and stop this. The problem was she hadn't seen the king for a while and she wasn't scheduled to see him anytime soon. And right before the verses we just read in verse 11 of chapter four, Esther says, Everybody knows that if any woman or man goes to the king without being invited, one thing happens. They die. So for Esther, it would be risking her life to even try and see the king, much less ask him to totally change an edict he's made. So Esther sends that message to Mordecai. And that's when Mordecai says what we just read. Mordechai says, Esther, you don't realize this is the time. Our moment of historic need for all the Jewish people, including you. He says in verse 13, Don't think to yourself that in the King's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. We're living in a time of historic need, yet declaration number two.

We're living in a time of historic opportunity. Esther, Mordechai says you're the queen and you're Jewish. The queen is practically the only person who could persuade the king to change his mind. And you, a Jewish woman, are the queen. Esther, We're living in a time of historic need and historic opportunity, which sets the stage for the third declaration. Esther, God has sovereignly ordained your life, and this time to play a unique part in the accomplishment of his purpose. I love Mordechai, his words in verse 14. Esther Relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews. Mordechai is sure of that. This is the people of God. We're talking about the people of God who have the promises of God. Promises that He will keep them and preserve them and sustain them and save them. Mordechai knows God will not let his people be annihilated. Relief and deliverance will rise. God has a purpose and He is sovereignly orchestrating everything in the world for the accomplishment of that purpose, including your life, Esther. And that's when the line comes. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this. And this is what I love about the Book of Esther.

People have practically criticized this book because it doesn't mention the name of God, but the sovereign fingerprints of God are all over every page of this story. The Book of Esther is a divine drama with cosmic coincidences at every turn. Think about it. How did Esther become queen in the first place?

Well, one day Queen Vashti just so happened to upset her husband. And he just so happened to cast her out, which just so happened to create a need for a new queen. Enter Esther, who just so happened to be a beautiful Jewish woman who just so happened to find favor in the king's eyes. And Esther just so happens to be Monaco's cousin, who just so happens one day to hear about a plot to kill the king. And Mordechai just so happens to tell Esther, who tells the king and the king's life is saved. Mordechai, His act is written down in a book. But it just so happens that for some reason, he's not honored at that point. All that leads to Heyman, an evil man who just so happens to become prominent in the kingdom. He's the one who wants to kill all the Jews, and he hates Mordechai because Mordechai won't bow down to Heymann like everybody else. That makes Heyman mad. And he decides he's going to have the King kill Mordechai. Heyman has gallows built for Mordechai and his. Plan is to go to the king the next morning and ask for Mordecai to be killed. But it just so happens that that night King can't sleep. And he says, somebody read a book to me. And it just so happens that the guy who goes to get a bedtime story for the king out of all the books, he could have pulled off the shelf, he picks the one that tells the story of how Mordecai saved the king's life. The king says, Did we honor this man, Mordecai? The servant says no. So the king decides that's what he's going to do first thing in the morning. And just as soon as the sun rises, as the king is ready to honor Mordecai. Guess who just so happens to walk into the King's Room? Haman So the king just so happens to say, Hey, man, how do you think I should honor somebody who's super special? Haman thinks the king is talking about him. So Haman says, put royal robes on him and parade him around for everybody to praise. The king says, Great idea. Do that for Mordecai. And all of a sudden, Haman finds himself robing up the guy he wanted to hang, leading him through the land for everybody to honor. But Haman still got some hope because Queen Esther has invited him to a banquet with her and the king. So he's thinking he's pretty special until he gets to the banquet. And Queen Esther says we've got a problem. King You've decreed the destruction of the Jews and your wife's a Jew. The king says, Who in the world made me do that? And Esther says. The king is furious. He leaves the room. Heyman falls on his face before pleading for mercy. The king just so happens to come back in at that time. He thinks Haman’s mistreating his wife. And he says, that's it. I'm hanging you. And it just so happens that some gallows had recently been built. And within hours, Haman says hello to them. Like you can't write this script.

Do you realize what the book of Esther is teaching about history? God has the whole thing rigged, and he's rigged it for a reason. God has a purpose. He has promised to save his people for the sake of his praise among all the peoples of the world. And he's sovereignly orchestrating everything toward that end. And this is why these verses count by mind when I think about you. Because as entrepreneurs, we are living in a time of historic need.

I show you this map. It has three distinct colors green, yellow and red. The green zones on this map show places in the world that have been reached with the gospel, the good news of God's love and Jesus. Obviously, green doesn't mean everybody in those areas is a follower of Jesus, but it does mean that disciples have been made and churches have been planted in these green zones, and most people who live there will encounter a Christian at some point in their lives who can share the gospel with them. Then you have yellow zones where there is less knowledge of the gospel. Some Christians, some churches, but usually those are places where there used to be a stronger church presence and a stronger Christian presence. You look at parts of Europe that that would apply to or. These are places where the gospels more recently come and there's a few Christians, few churches there, but not a lot and not nearly as many as in the green. And then you come to the red zones on this map that show places in the world that have not been reached by the gospel. Places where there are relatively few. And some of these places know Christians know churches, which means that most people in red zones will never at any point in their lives encounter a follower of Jesus who can share the gospel with them. Practically, if you live in a red zone, the likelihood is that will be born. You live and you'll die without even hearing the good news of God's love in Jesus. And approximately 3.2 billion people live in the red zones of the world. That's a staggering number.

And we know from God's word that none of them can be saved from their sin if they don't hear the good news of God's love in Jesus. That's why Paul wrote the book of Romans. He made it clear in Romans ten. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ, and they can't hear the Word of Christ, the gospel. If somebody doesn't share the gospel with them. I do realize what this means. Think about it with me. The world population is continually increasing, including the number of people in red zones, and our outdated models of church and mission aren't doing near enough to reach them with the gospel. Which means So follow this that there are more people in the world today who have never heard the gospel than ever before in history. There are more people being born, living, dying and entering into a crisis eternity than ever before in history. That's happening on our watch. Yet at the same time. So follow this.

We're also living in a time of historic opportunity. So, yes, there are more unreached people in the world today than ever before in history on our watch. But we also have more opportunities to reach them than ever before in history. You think about just travel. Paul could have never imagined as he sailed from one city the next or walked by foot from one to the next. He never could have fathomed a machine that can pick you up in the air, transport you around the world, just about anywhere in a day like air travel. This is amazing technology. How long did it take for Paul to write a letter or dictate it and then have it sent over weeks or months? People would receive it and then weeks or months later reply to it. He never could have fathomed communicating with people around the world in real time, in multiple languages through a device we hold in our pockets. Travel, technology, urbanization. The fact that just 200 short years ago, the world was less than 3% urban and now it's well over a majority urban and continually increasing. You think about how many of us live with relatively unprecedented wealth in the history of the world. You think about the globalization of the marketplace and the opportunities there are for work around the world, for the gospel to spread through business where we live and to the ends of the earth, where different nations will actually pay for the gospel to spread to their nations on the wings of work. We have opportunities not just for hundreds of missionaries to go through outdated models, but for hundreds of thousands and millions of Christians to scatter in the world in all kinds of different ways, not just by leaving their jobs, but by leveraging the wings of work for the spread of the gospel in the world. And this is where you come in, because God has sovereignly ordained your life and this time to play a unique part in the accomplishment of his purpose.

Entrepreneur, God has not saved you to sideline you on this mission. God has sovereignly ordained your life in this moment to play a wonderfully unique part in the accomplishment of his purpose. You have unique skills, gifts, experiences that I don't have, and a lot of other people don't have a you know, how to look for solutions that solve problems in the marketplace. You know what mechanisms are needed to acquire customers? You know how to allocate capital and make bets towards solutions that will work in competitive industries in the world. You have gifts to understand how finances and products can be used and leveraged way. So what would it look like to channel all of that toward what I would say without question is the world's greatest problem. Billions of people who haven't even heard the gospel, that alone can restore them to God. As a pastor who doesn't know what you know or have what you have. I see you. I thank God for who you are and what is called you to do and how he's empowered you to do it. And I just want to say, in the name of Jesus, play your unique part in the accomplishment of his world wide purpose. Yes. Starting right where you live. Right Where you work with the people around you, and then looking for opportunities that you have in the globalization of today's marketplace. Knowing that one day I be sure of this revelation seven, nine and ten, a multitude that no one can count from every nation, tribe, language and people is going to gather around the throne of God and give him glory through Jesus for salvation. That will happen. And God has designed your life to play a unique part in bringing that about. So what do you do?

Two exhortations.

Number one, seek God's face. Did you notice the first thing estrogen when she heard that news from Mordecai? Well, notice what she didn't do. She didn't just get to work. She didn't start whiteboarding a plan or strategizing with her team. She didn't just run out and start getting things done. Instead, she ran to God himself. Verse 15, Esther told them to reply to Mordecai. Go gather all the Jews to be found in Susa. Hold a fast on my behalf. Don't eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will fast as you do. Esther said. I'm going to see God's face. That's what we all need to do. And this is where I want to remind you, brothers and sisters, that before we're called to get things done for God, we're called to get alone with God. This is where I want to remind you that the most important part of your life is not your stats and stories or rates and returns on sheets. The most important part of your life is the part that no one else sees. Success in your life is not measured by your production. Success in your life is measured by your personal intimacy with God himself. And I'll be the first to admit I've missed this. I think about a long season of my life when the church I pastor was growing. I'd written a book that was selling a lot of copies. I was being invited to speak across the country and around the world at various events. I was loving it and I was working hard and seeing all kinds of good things happen on the outside. Everything looked great. But during this long season, my time alone with God was basically non-existent. Sure I could turn on a public prayer and a worship service just like that, but I would hardly ever just meet with God alone to know Him more. I'd study the Bible or to preach it, but not just because I wanted to hear from God. Like that frightens me how successful I could be in the eyes of the church, the Christian culture, even in my own eyes, and do it totally apart from intimacy with God. And by God's grace, he brought me to a point of repentance. He did so through my wife, who I just asked her one day to try to periodically ask her, How can I love you better? And usually she'll say, you're doing great, and maybe you can work on this, but you're doing great. This day there is no you're doing great. She said, You work all the time. You stay up late. You get up early, you don't sleep, you don't eat healthy. You don't exercise. And I don't know when you have quiet time alone with God. And she said, if you don't make major changes in your life, you're not going to be around to love me very long. And it was. Needed wakeup call. That led to a host of changes in my life, starting first and foremost with concentrated time with God every morning that, by his grace, has not abated over time and has grown sweeter literally every single day. And you know, it's interesting. Last few years of my life and work have kind of felt like the opposite of those days. Pastoring in Metro D.C.. The last few years has brought greater challenges and more criticism and less popularity and even mudslinging on my reputation and for a variety of other reasons. On top of that, much closer to home, this season has been one of the most difficult seasons of my life. But God has been closer to me than ever before. I told my wife on a recent date night. I've it's been really hard days, but I can honestly say I know God more. I love God more than I'm enjoying closer communion with God than I ever have. So I told her, I guess if God is the goal, then these are great days. And the good news is that God is the goal. I just want to encourage you. Brothers and sisters, don't forget that God is the goal. Seek his face about everything and everyone else. Make intimacy with God the consuming ambition of your life. Seek his face.

And second, surrender your life, Esther says in verse 16. Let's fast and pray. I'll go to the king, though it's against the law. If I perish, I perish. What a statement. Esther didn't know what this would mean for her. Esther didn't know if this would cost her life, but Esther said regardless. God's put me in this time and this place for his purpose. So I surrender my life to the accomplishment of his purpose. Brother or sister? Don't think that you can play your part in the accomplishment of God's purpose without personal cost. The more you give your life to God's purpose in the world, the more you and your family and your work will be met with the force of hell. And the harder it will get, not the easier. There's a sense in which Satan would love for you to do your work while you sit back and enjoy a nice, comfortable Christian spin on the American dream. But you were made for so much more than that. You were made for a much bigger dream than that. A dream that's so big it's worth your life. That leads to one picture. I want to show you. It actually progresses. This first picture on the screen. If you look around Jerusalem and around Antioch and around Rome, there's like a little bit of yellow. And those places represent the regions known to contain Christians. At the beginning of Paul's ministry, when he began spreading the gospel. And in just second, I want to show you a second picture, and it's going to show you the regions known to contain Christians. At the end of Paul's life. This wanted to see if you can tell a difference. Look at this second picture with me. You see that yellow light up? And many of the places where Paul traveled. And I'm not saying Paul was the only person to impact that map. But I would say Paul had a major impact on that map. But what's interesting is Paul wrote the book of Romans because he wanted some help in getting the gospel to Spain because they'd never heard the gospel there. And if you look at this map, you'll see that there's no yellow around Spain. So what should we conclude? Paul, you failed. You had a goal. You didn't reach it. You didn't get to the place, accomplish the task you set out to do. Well, before we draw that conclusion that Paul failed. And just a second, I want to show you one more map that shows the regions known to contain Christians within two short centuries after Paul's death. And I want you to see if you can tell the difference in this map. Look at it with me. Again, I'm not saying that Paul was the only person that impacted this map. But I am saying do not underestimate. What God will do, not just in your life while you're on this earth, but through your life, far beyond your time here. When you give your life to His purpose as you know what it's like to invest your resources to see a return. And I want to close this few minutes I have with you with the challenge for you to live for returns that you cannot see, to live for the kinds of returns that last far beyond you and far beyond what you can see in this historic time of unprecedented need and opportunity with the grace that God has sovereignly given. Seek His face and surrender your life to leave a legacy for the glory of God in this world that far outlasts you. You were made for this. And I guarantee you, when you find yourself around a throne with men and women from every nation, tribe, language and people enjoying and exalting God for all of eternity through Jesus, you will not regret living for this. 

Henry Kaestner Just and that was awesome. I mean, David's message, you know, I've been following David now for maybe 15 years or so. Ever since he did Radical. I remember when we first launched sovereigns maybe 12 years ago going down to Birmingham medium in person. And this passion that he had that was radical, you know, as in the book and look, you know, on 12 or 15 years on since we first connected and sort of following him here, he's developed an appreciation for the marketplace and seen it as an instrument to bring the gospel out, but to bring discipleship down. And then then also, as he started to partner with this, with some of the things we're doing, solving more serious problems, I mean, just this whole full complement of the body of Christ, getting out there, thinking about risk differently and his just the way that he presents the message is so compelling. It's convicting. But increasingly I think it's becoming much more actionable. So instead of just like, this is wrong, this is broken, wake up, Gary. Go fix it. The nuance in the way that he brings together a strategy about how to partner with entrepreneurs and investors in the marketplace and where each one finds its own role, It's really, really compelling. He's become a great thought partner on that for us, hasn't he? 

Justin Forman Yeah, he has. It really is something like, you know, I mean, I can't remember how many times I've read the story. You hear the story of Esther, you hear Mordecai, you hear all these actors. But I love just how a simple reframing of language can give you a new perspective. And just the way that David will work that end of like it just so happens, it just so happens, it just so happens. And when you see that woven through history. And then you see a pastor like you mentioning saying it just so happens that globalization has happened. It just so happens it travels. And it just so happens that business today is more connected globally than it's ever been. It just so happens that the church has been about God's crusade and the mission and in this for so long. But yet entrepreneurs have this pent up demand that's kind of saying like, Man, I want to get in the game. And it just so happens that the world is knocking on their door more than ever. It just so happens that trust. It just so happens that they're looking them. I mean, the statistic in that idea and listeners of podcasts have heard us talk about this before that how small business owners today are nine times more trusted than politicians. Some of the people that we look to to solve problems in the past are not the answer of today. And we trust small business owners and entrepreneurs in a unique way. And when you see a pastor getting behind that mission and that message, you know, we've talked about this before. If we talked about pride, we talked about that there's easy times where we can think and whether it's in entrepreneurship or in the church or everything that's all about this program, this idea, this thing. But when you see a guy like David saying now it's about unleashing people to go out, unleashing people beyond a program, beyond schedule activity to wherever it is that God called them, man, what a gift it is to see a pastor say that. Man. It's just such an encouragement to so many. 

Henry Kaestner Yeah, it is. And also it's just you get super motivated by their extension that stories for such a time as this. And so when you look at all the different complexities in the world and the just you know on one hand 2 billion people living on less than $10 a day, a very large number of them professing the name of Christ and also war that's going on, but also incredible exponential advances in artificial intelligence and genetic therapies. And it's almost overwhelming. But God in his infinite sovereignty knew that we would be here as feature in our stories for such a time as this In here, with all the incredible complexity advancing God's kingdom under His power for his glory and so leaning in as not for just realizing that God saw this happen, knew it, and saw us as being worthy of being on the planet, solving problems to advance his kingdom. In this day and age, it's super motivating. 

Justin Forman It is. It's super motivating. I love how David just finished that talk where he just talks about this idea of like, You will not regret it. You will not regret stepping into this. You will not regret chasing that big dream that God has for his stepping into this adventure, giving that purpose. I love the map. When you talked about Paul's journey and he talked about at the end and the perspective that he gave about Paul, and he's talked about the early missionary journeys and his goal to reach Spain. But in his lifetime that didn't happen. And yet in the picture, in the thing that he showed there at the conference talking about what happened in the decades, in the years to come in that perspective, that the gospel did indeed get there. And it's sometimes he calls us to be more of that Moses than the Joshua. Maybe he calls us to the edge of that promised land, but we might not go in and see it. And to think entrepreneurs in their faithfulness in this moment, they might not ever see the perspective of families change. They might not ever see how a city, a community or the next generation might be changing. But man, isn't that exciting. Isn't that exciting to think about that perspective? Sometimes you want to see it. You want to be able to kind of like get a glimpse of it, but like to think of something that could be bigger than your lifetime. Bigger than something that you might see, man. Like, we all want that. And I think when you see that laid out in the gospel and you see the moment that we're in, that's what we're living in. We're living in something so much bigger than this moment. So much bigger than this age. This is the moment. These are the years that are going to echo for decades to come. 

Henry Kaestner Indeed, so far, true or not, towards joining us all, just getting down our knees and just celebrating, praising God that we are in the place we are, because it just so happens that we have the background and the experience that we have. And it just so happens that we have this support system and, you know, around us. And it just so happens that there's a unique time in the market in your community for you to innovate. And it just so happens, most importantly, that there's a God who loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you. And it's out of joy and gratitude for that realization that we come and is the motive for us to innovate and to create. So grateful for David Partner. I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for the podcast and we don't get a chance to thank them enough, but we get a whole team behind us that makes us look and sound good. And of course, there's only so much they can do to make me look good, but they at least make me sound good. And I'm grateful to people like Julian. I'm grateful to Richard Bala and Joey Ionescu and just the whole faith driven crowd that makes this happen. And I'm grateful to you. So many listeners have come to me and said, I heard about the podcast from a friend of mine afford it. And so as the Spirit moves you to share this podcast with, others know that that would be great encouragement to us if not them. 

Justin Forman Yeah. Hey, one other thing, Henry. I can't help but leave us with this other thought. It just so happens that guys like David have raised their hands that, Hey, I want to be also about encouraging other pastors that are wrestling through this issue, that are wrestling through this idea. They don't know how to make sense of it. You know, sometimes we want to tight box and a program to fit it in and sometimes we would just want a safe place to wander and to stretch our mind to think what this could look like. And, you know, it's been a fun thing in the making. But here in the coming weeks, you're going to start to hear about an event that we're doing in February, an online event that is going to gather pastors together with this message and to wrestle through what it looks like. We're going to have some teaching from Nikki Gumbel, Derwin Gray, David Platt, bunch of other friends that are going to be speaking about this, from pastors to other pastors. But we're also inviting entrepreneurs to be a part of that conversation, too. And so if you are thinking about this issue and thinking, man, this would be a gift to bring this ministry and this program or this course to our church. This is a chance to do that. So you can attend that event through the gracious support of donors. This is an event that is free and that we are not only just going to say, here's a conference and experience that think different, but we're going to give it tools so that if you so choose to run a ministry and a program there in your church, that all of that will be fully accessible to you, no cost and catch when it's an exciting day in the moment of the movement where pastors are saying something here is happening and it's time to listen. It's time to learn and time to wrestle through this together. And so we're really looking forward to that. So details to come here soon. Stay tuned for that. But so grateful for David and his friendship and partnership and continuing to do that with us. 

Henry Kaestner I am too. I am too super excited about February. Partnership with a local church is really key, but it takes most of our listeners are going to be featuring not from ours, not pastors, for you to go ahead and come to your pastor and encourage them to go to the conference in February, but then just generally to partner to reach out to these faith or not friends that are in your church and in your community. It takes a partnership and it probably takes you initiating that contact. So please pray and think about doing that and let us know if we can help you. By the way, online, on YouTube, we've got a great video. The Dear Entrepreneur video. Is that great? That's a great tool for folks to use. 

Justin Forman Yeah, great tool. If you're looking for something for three minutes to share with your pastor and to have that conversation bridge to pieces of a conversation that has a great piece, short clip, I would really encourage you do your entrepreneur search it on YouTube. You'll find it on our website. That can be a great tool to bridge that conversation and bring this to the forefront. 

Thanks for listening to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast. Our ministry exists to equip and resource entrepreneurs just like you. With content and community. We know entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but it doesn't have to be. We've got groups that meet in churches, coffee shops, living rooms and boardrooms around the world. Find one in your area or volunteer to lead one and bring this global movement to your own backyard. There's no cost, no catch, just connection. Find out more at faith driven