Alpharetta, GA








Like most entrepreneurs, Russ Clemer was determined to solve a need he saw in his community. His home church in Georgia had a fairly large group of entrepreneurs within their congregation but didn’t have a place where they could gather together and discuss the ways their faith intersected with their work.

Russ saw that the church met his needs in other roles he played like being a father or husband, but they didn’t have a way to speak to him as an entrepreneur. He reached out to his pastor and the two began looking for solutions. That’s how they found Faith Driven Entrepreneur.


They were won over by the solid teaching and thoughtful content. After previewing a few sessions, Russ says it was an “easy yes” to begin their first cohort. Now, they’re looking forward to launching more in the near future.


“For our business owners, there aren't many resources out there where they feel understood, so this is a big deal. My conviction is that it's good to have for the church to be able to speak to those things. It's important to be able to bring some of these ideas into the church model so that people in our church aren't just going out to a bunch of different areas outside the church.”


Since parnering with Faith Driven Entrepreneur, First Baptist of Alpharetta has been able to:

Provide a community where their entrepreneurs are understood

Offer resources to their business leaders within the church


-Russ Clemmer, Entrepreneur and Church Leader, First Baptist of Alpharetta, Georgia