Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Stewardship vs Ownership

Bestselling author Andy Crouch shares keen insights with us that money is just a tool—God is the ultimate goal. Discuss these 3 questions:

  1. In what ways are you dependent upon money as your power?

  2. Entrepreneurs often have to be incredibly resourceful, which can lead to a scarcity complex rather than trusting in God's abundance. What does that look like for you?

  3. Do you treat people like commodities? As numbers? As ROI’s? How can you shift that to have relational meaning? 

This guide is intended for personal reflection and to help facilitate a meaningful group discussion. Take a moment to watch the video and read over the guide before your group meeting. Be prepared with some personal examples to help encourage discussion. If helpful, before you meet, print out or email a copy of this guide to all those who will attend the meeting.

5 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our God-given call to create.

  1. Journal: Be honest with yourself and determine the hold money has on you and your life. From a false sense of security to an inflated opinion of your acumen, how has your pursuit of wealth impacted your view of the world and people?

  2. Interact: This month, consider how you can be more focused on others rather than self-centered.

  3. Consider: Henry says “a generous heart is what helps to keep us free from greed, control, and selfishness.” Do you agree? We tend to focus on finances when we think about generosity. What are some other ways we can give beyond just our treasure?

  4. Act Differently: Donate to worthy causes. Make a plan for practical and achievable ways your business can be more generous more regularly. Start dropping money in the tip jar.

  1. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Entrepreneur Podcast.

Entrepreneurs can travel a lonely road. But you’re not alone. You’re sitting next to a group of like-minded business owners right now. One of the best ways to grow the Faith Driven Movement is to multiply your group.

Is someone in your group ready to raise his or her hand to start a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group at a local church? Apply at