Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Identity in Christ

VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer reminds us that our work doesn’t define us. The successes and failures we experience along the way only refine us.. Discuss these 3 questions:

  1. Where do you place your identity? How do you combat the tendency to find your identity in what you do rather than in whose you are?

  2. How do we break free from measuring the value of who we are by what we do? (hint: Sabbath; obedience vs outcomes…)

  3. How can a renewed understanding of your identity in Christ lead you to build, rebuild, or strengthen your relationship with God and with the people around you? What ways can you work towards healing broken relationships?

This guide is intended for personal reflection and to help facilitate a meaningful group discussion. Take a moment to watch the video and read over the guide before your group meeting. Be prepared with some personal examples to help encourage discussion. If helpful, before you meet, print out or email a copy of this guide to all those who will attend the meeting.

5 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our God-given call to create.

  1. Journal: Who are you? More importantly, whose are you? Write about this. Try to get beyond the surface and dig deep. It can be intimidating and we might not like the answers we find. And yet, God is with us with every word we write.

  2. Interact: his month, be attentive to how your identity is wrapped up in what you do. You might be surprised to find yourself acting a certain way with specific people or in certain circumstances that are contrary to the truth you want to convey.

  3. Consider: During today’s video session, Jessica invited us to embrace Sabbath—a day committed to rest. What does this look like for you? Are you willing to give up an entire day to worship God and to be fully present at his feet?

  4. Act Differently: Commit a full 24 hours to Sabbath rest. What preparations do you need to make in order to rest? How can you look at this less as a sacrifice and more as a time of celebration and renewal?

  5. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Entrepreneur Podcast.

We are a global movement dedicated to gathering one million Christ-following entrepreneurs and equipping them so they can fulfill their call to create. Currently, thousands of Faith Driven Entrepreneurs from more than 88 different countries are involved in groups like this. More are signing every day. 

Is someone in your group ready to help this movement continue to grow? They can apply to lead a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group online: