Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Podcast Episode 23: Biblical Message of Generosity

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Biblical Message of Generosity Henry Kaestner, Rusty Rueff, William Norvell

by Henry Kaestner

God needs our success and our money to do his work on earth, right??  What is the most important question for us to answer:  How to give, where to give, why to give?  How do we define "net worth"? There may not be a more important topic for a Faith Driven Entrepreneur to tackle, than how to think about generosity.  We worship a generous God who has given to us generously, and we, as do all Christ followers, have an opportunity to respond.  How should we do it as entrepreneurs?  How do we think about ownership?  How do we think about giving?  How do we think about God?

In this episode I share my "born again-again" story.  If my depiction of how God worked through my life as I struggled with how to think about 90/10...80/20...0/100.  We talk about finding a finish line, and we each share a bit of our own stories and those that have been an inspiration to us.

You'll note that I refer to the Alan Barnhart story which has made such an impression in my life.    You can find the short version of his giving story here, or the longer one (to include how he thought through structures on how to strategically title his business here.)

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash