Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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3 Shifts Every Leader Needs to make during the Covid-19 Crisis

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— by Jerome Fogel

I want to share three shifts that every leader can and should make during the COVID-19 crisis. 

As an offsite general counsel to small and lower middle market companies and leadership coach to executives and CEOs, I’ve spoken with a number of executives and entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 Crisis. Here’s three shifts that every leader needs to make:

  1. Move from survival to service.

COVID-19 is at the front of minds for all of us, and it should be. But we can tend to get focused inward and on survival rather than outward and on service.

This is the very time to make the shift from survival to service. Shift from thinking about how to survive to serving the needs of your team, your clients, your customers, your business partners, and your family. When you begin to focus on the needs of others, you begin to have a greater vision for what your company could be.  Find extraordinary and smart ways (considering the times) to be of service. 

2. Look out the windshield rather than the rear-view mirror.

The past is important. It is something we need to reflect on. But there is a marked difference between focusing on what was vs. what is when it comes to creating a new future. We either focus on what could have been from what was, or we focus on what could be from what is. Legendary business management thinker Peter Drucker said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” There are opportunities in front of you. Ask God to give you the eyes to see them. 

3. Shift from Enduring to Learning.

Adversity is difficult. It requires endurance. And endurance is important.  But it is in the most challenging times that there is an opportunity for the greatest growth. We can begin to ask questions such as the following:

  • What am I learning now that I didn’t know before?

  • What is God teaching me?

  • What areas do I need to improve?

  • What ideas do my team and customers have that I haven’t thought of?

Make the shift from enduring to learning. You will begin to grow, and then your company will grow along with you. 


[ Photo by Tabea Damm on Unsplash ]