Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Mats Tunehag

speaker, writer and consultant

Mats Tunehag is speaker, writer and consultant from Sweden and has worked in more than half the countries of the world. For over 20 years he has had a special focus on developing the Business as Mission, BAM, concept as well as national, regional and global strategic alliances of people and BAM initiatives.

In 2002 he initiated and co-led the first global think tank on BAM, which produced the Lausanne Paper on BAM as well as the BAM Manifesto (2004).  In 2011 he and Mrs Jo Plummer developed another much bigger global think tank on Business as Mission with over 30 national, regional and international working groups. Tunehag is the Chairman of BAM Global. See 

Tunehag was also the Convener of the Global Consultation on the Role of Wealth Creation for Holistic Transformation. See 

Tunehag has served for many years as a senior leader on Business as Mission in both the Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance, and he lectures globally on Business as Mission. 

Tunehag also serves part-time with a global investment fund based on Christian values that helps SMEs to grow in size and holistic impact in the Arab world and Asia, by providing financial, intellectual and human capital.

He served on the Global Council of Advocates International, a global network of 30 000 lawyers in over 120 countries. (2008 – 2014)

Tunehag is the Chairman of the Freedom Business Alliance.



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