Bible Reading Plan on the Values of an Entrepreneur


The Values of an Entrepreneur


As the old saying goes, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” We all need values to drive our life decisions. The most successful entrepreneurs use values to guide their businesses through growth, crisis, and success. Of course, values don’t always mean earthly success – some values will force you to turn down otherwise lucrative opportunities since those opportunities don’t align with what’s true, beautiful, and good.

Discover the four values of the faith driven entrepreneur, hear stories from business veterans, and begin outlining your own personal values. It’s all here in this Bible reading plan on the values of an entrepreneur.

Day 1: The Value of Faith

Our values are determined by what we think is most important. In the Bible, Jesus says that it’s loving God and loving others. Living this out can be tricky because although we might say “I’m using my career to love God and others,” we actually put our career first. Love becomes an afterthought as we pursue our own ambitions.

This can be a difficult mindset to break, but if we do break through into truth, we will be able to fully embrace God’s redemptive story.

Bible reading from Mark.

Day 2: The Value of Family

Many of us find it difficult to serve our spouses and children in a Christlike way. It’s even harder for entrepreneurs who find their identities in their work. If you feel tension between time spent with family and time spent on business, then pay attention to this devotional.

We share practical steps you can take to prioritize your family. Love them well – while still pursuing your goals as an entrepreneur. Remember, serving your family might not be easy or feel natural, but the fruit of faithfulness will be revealed down the line.

Bible reading from Ephesians.

Day 3: The Value of Work

What is the most important value when it comes to work? It hasn’t changed since the beginning of this Bible reading plan. It’s to love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. God belongs in your business. Don’t leave God at church on Sunday mornings. Invite Him into your workweek and ask Him to move in all your conversations and interaction.

Bible reading from Colossians.

Day 4: The Value of Fitness

This value seems a bit strange to some entrepreneurs. Sometimes we see poor fitness as something to strive for – maybe not actively, but don’t good entrepreneurs stay up late, eat rice and beans, and stay working at the desk until they find success? Well, that’s not sustainable. And as you’ll discover in this reading plan, there are surprising benefits to the value of fitness.

Bible reading from 1 Corinthians.

Faith Driven Team