Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Bible Reading Plan – Is God Calling Me To Start a Business?

Is God Calling Me to Start a Business?

Not everyone is called to be an entrepreneur. But many people are. Where do you belong? It takes a good deal of discernment to determine if God is calling you to start a business. And this is the topic covered in this Bible reading plan.

Learn the steps you need to take to accurately hear God’s voice in your life. You’ll hear from other entrepreneurs who successfully made the leap to business. If it’s your calling, God will make it happen. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

Day 1: Having a Great Idea for a Product

A lot of people see entrepreneurship as an escape from their day job. But being an entrepreneur isn’t just a mindset shift, it requires you to develop a marketable product or service.

This reading plan devotional turns to an unexpected source: Ecclesiastes. In it, the teacher says that everything is meaningless and that anything you do will be left for someone else to use as they wish. This seemingly unmotivating point actually leads to two very insightful questions. Read on to learn what those questions are!

Bible reading from Ecclesiastes.

Day 2: Knowing What’s Next. Knowing Your Potential.

Entrepreneurs are driven by the vision of “What if?” We’re inherently redemptive. We seek to add value to the world around us through business. So, do you see the potential in your business idea? Where could it go?

But life constantly reminds us that the future is unpredictable. Only God knows what will happen next. Seeing the potential in the business still doesn’t mean we have control. Instead, we must walk by faith each and every day.

Bible reading from Ecclesiastes.

Day 3: Finding People to Help and Mentor.

At Faith Driven Entrepreneur, we constantly talk about loneliness. Entrepreneurs are notoriously lonely because of our unique visions, nonconformist personalities, and large responsibilities. And isolation can make life feel meaningless. So, before you go start a new business, think about who you will work with and who will come alongside you. Sometimes nobody will come alongside you, and you have nowhere to turn. You can pray and pray, but God might not listen.

Bible reading from Ecclesiastes.

Day 4: Finding Discernment

Is God calling me to start a business? That’s the question we’ve asked during this whole Bible reading plan. We’ve pointed out a few pitfalls and clarifying questions. Now, we talk about fulfillment. In the end, we need God to be with us whenever we become entrepreneurs. We need that relationship. Otherwise, life is just vapor.

Bible reading from Ecclesiastes.